名詞 定義 
elasmobranch poisoning Poisoning resulting from eating the flesh or viscera of sharks and rays. Poisoning from shark flesh is generally mild while that from shark liver may result in severe effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, headache and prostration, leading to coma and even death. Treatment is symptomatic, no antidote is known.  
板鰓類毒害 因吃鯊魚與魟的內臟而造成的中毒。鯊魚肝臟的毒性可能造成嚴重的影響,例如:反胃、嘔吐、腹洩、頭痛甚至死亡。目前僅能症狀治療尚無有效的解毒劑。 