名詞 定義 
head spines Spines of the head of Scorpaenidae members. They are, from anterior to posterior over the top of the head on each side, the nasal, preocular, supraocular, postocular, tympanic, coronal (media to the tympanic and postocular spines), parietal, and nuchal. Opercular spines are at the postero-dorsal corner of the operculum, preopercular spines line the posterior margin of the preoperculum, and the cleithral and postcleithral spines are just above the opercular spines on the side of the head.  
頭部棘 鮋科魚類頭部的棘。從前到後越過頭頂,兩邊分別有鼻骨,眼眶前骨,眼眶骨,眶後骨,和鼓骨,冠骨(連接到鼓皮而眶後的棘),腔壁骨與頸背骨。在鰓蓋背部後方角落的是鰓蓋棘,前鰓蓋骨的後緣是前鰓蓋棘,匙骨和後匙骨棘則在頭部兩側鰓蓋棘的正上方。 