名詞 定義 
inner ear The auditory organ lying in the otic capsule, constisting of the semicircular canals, ampullae, utriculus, sacculus, lagena, sinus endolymphaticus and ductus endolymphaticus, Filled with and surrounded by perilymph (or seawater in forms with an endolymphatic duct), containing otoliths (sagitta, astericus and lapillus in teleostomes). Functions as a gravity receptor, acceleration detector and muscle tone regulator. Innervated by cranial nerve VIII. 
內耳 在耳囊的聽覺器官,包括半規管,壺腹,橢圓囊,球囊,聽壺,內淋巴竇與內淋巴管,充滿且包圍著外淋巴液(或者海水的內淋巴管),包含耳石(矢耳石,星石與微石在硬骨魚)。功能作為一個地心引力接收器,加速感受者與肌肉明暗調節者。藉著頭蓋第八神經調節。 