名詞 定義 
midwater trawl A net towed through the water column by one boat above the bottom and below the surface. It may have otter doors that function to keep the net mouth open and depressor plates that function to make it fish deeper, or two vessels pair trawling keep the mouth open. The front net sections are often made with very large meshes or ropes, which herd the fish schools towards the net aft sections. The fishing depth is usually controlled by means of a net sounder (netsone). 
中層拖網 一艘船拖著一張網在水面及水底之間經過水層。它可能有網板使網口保持張開與沉降板使它能沈到深處捕魚,或由兩艘船配對拖網使網口保持張開。在前面的網子時常具有非常大的網孔或者粗繩,使魚群聚集往網內移動。捕魚的深度通常是經由一個網子發聲器(網鳴器)控制。 