名詞 定義 
nuptial tubercle Breeding tubercle (usually small, raised, epidermal structures on regions of the head, body, or fin rays where two individuals come in contact. May consist of aggregations of non-keratinized epidermal cells, the same with a light, superficial keratinized cuticle, or with substantial number of fully keratinized cells that are organized to form a discrete, usually conical cap. Breeding tubercles may function to maintain body contact between the sexes during spawning; in the defence of nests and territories; in the stimulation of females in courtship; and in some forms perhaps in sex and species recognition. Found in 15 families of 4 orders; Salmoniformes, Gonorhynchiformes, Cypriniformes, and Perciformes (Wiley and Collette, 1970)).  
追星 繁殖結節 (通常是二個個體接觸在一起時,在頭部、身體或鰭條的區域出現小的、凸起的、和表皮性的結構。可能的組合包括非角質化的上表細胞群集、有著輕薄角質化表皮的相同細胞群集、或有相當數目完全角質化的細胞且已組織形成一個不連續的而通常為狀似錐形無邊帽的結節。繁殖結節可能運作在產卵的時候,維持二性間身體接觸在一起、或在巢穴與領土的防衛上、或在求偶期中,對雌性的刺激、而且在一些形態可能用於性別與種的辨認。發現於 4個目中的 15個科:鮭形目、鼠鱚目、鯉形同與鱸形目 (Wiley 與 Collete, 1970)。 