名詞 定義 
orbicular stage A larval stage in some Acanthuridae where the body is almost spherical, translucent and covered with vertically elongated ridge-like serrated peduncular scales in distinct vertical rows. The first dorsal spine is the longest and stoutest spine and the rays become progressively shorter behind this.  
球形階段 在某些刺尾魚科魚的一個仔魚時期,身體幾乎是圓球狀、半透明以及形成明顯垂直列的覆蓋著垂直伸長且像脊一樣鋸齒的柄狀鱗片。第一背鰭棘是最長且最硬的棘,之後的鰭條漸進式的變的比較短。 