名詞 定義 
contact organ The dermal bony outgrowth or spicule projecting from a fin ray or scale margin and surrounded by the epidermis through which bony outgrowths may protrude. Present in those parts of the body and fins of the male which come in direct contact with the female 
連絡器官 真皮性骨自然從一個鰭鰭條或者鱗片邊緣伸出的小針狀體,而且被表皮包圍。 通常發現在生殖時公魚的身體或鰭上會直接碰觸到母魚的位置,可能是有觸覺的在功能。 發現於 3個目的 9個科: 鯉形目、銀漢魚目及鮋目。 