名詞 定義 
ovoviviparity Production of eggs that are fertilised and hatch inside the mother but the embryos lack a placental connection to the oviduct or uterus and so do not feed off the mother. The embryos are primarily nourished by the yolk in their yolksac. The yolk is gradually depleted and the yolksac reabsorbed until the young are ready to be born. The young are born as miniature adults, free-swimming and feeding, e.g. Gambusia holbrooki. Also referred to as 'aplacental yolksac viviparity'.  
卵胎生 產卵的方式,受精與孵化皆在母親裡進行,但是胚胎缺乏一個胎盤連接到卵管或子宮,因此不由母親處餵食。胚胎在他們的卵黃囊中主要的養分來自卵黃,卵黃逐漸地被耗盡與卵黃囊再吸收直到幼魚準備好出生。幼魚出生時已有如小型的成魚、可自游水中和進食,例如賀氏大肚魚。亦指aplacental yolksac viviparity。 