名詞 |
定義 |
poisonous fishes |
Any fish containing a poison (exclusive of bacterial poisons). Sometimes restricted to those fishes whose poisons enter the victim's body orally, excluding venomous fish whose poison is introduced from glands by means of spines. For treatment of poisoning from spines, see venomous fishes, treatment of poisoning of; for poisoning from eating ciguatoxic fishes, see ciguatera poisoning; from clupeoid fishes, see clupeotoxism; hallucinogenic fishes, see ichthyoalleinotoxism; poisonous fish eggs or roe, see ichthyootoxism; improperly preserved scombroid and other marketed marine fishes, see scombrotoxism; pufferfish or tetraodontiform fishes, see tetrodotoxication. |
具毒的魚 |
任何含毒素的魚(不含細菌性毒素)。有時侷限於經由口部注入毒素至受害者體內的魚,不包含經由腺體分泌毒素到棘的有毒魚類。有關棘毒害的治療,請見 venomous fishes (有毒的魚);有關食入西加毒魚類引發的中毒,請見 ciguatera poisoning (熱帶海魚中毒);關於鯡魚,請見 clupeotoxism (鯡魚中毒);有關引發幻覺的魚,請見 ichthyoalleinotoxism (致幻魚毒);關於有毒魚卵或魚白,請見 ichthyootoxism (魚卵中毒);不當保存的鯖魚與其他市場 |