名詞 定義 
postflexion One of three substages in the larval stage of fishes (the others being preflexion and flexion). The caudal fin section of the notochord is at an angle of 45° to the notochord axis, ventral caudal rays and supporting elements may not be fully developed. Postflexion ends with beginning of transformation to the juvenile stage.  
後彎曲期 魚類幼魚時期中三個子階段之一(另一個為前彎曲期與彎曲期) 。脊索的尾鰭部分與脊索軸成 45度 角,尾部腹側的鰭條和支撐的基本要件可能並無完全的發展。後彎曲期結束後,緊接是變換到稚魚期的開始。 