名詞 定義 
postlarva A larva following the time of absorption of yolk; applied only when the structure and form continues to be strikingly unlike that of the juvenile. Postlarvae of some species are so distinctive they were placed in different genera than the adults. Some of these generic names are now used to indicate the postlarval stage, e.g. acanthostedion stage of Peristediidae, tholichthys of Chaetodontidae, acronurus of Acanthuridae, rhynchichthys of Holocentridae, krohnius of Macrouridae.  
後期仔魚 在卵黃吸收期之後的一個幼體;僅應用於當結構與形態持續顯著地不像稚魚的時候。一些魚種的後期幼體比起成魚是如此的特殊,常被置放於不同的屬, 一些這樣的屬名現在被用來指示後期幼體的階段,舉例來說黃魴鮄科的「 acanthostedion」 階段、蝴蝶魚科的「 tholichthys」、刺尾魚科的 「acronurus 」、金鱗魚科的「 rhynchichthys」以及鼠尾鱈科的「 krohnius」。 