名詞 定義 
priapium A complex muscular and bony clasping and copulatory organ derived mainly from the pelvic fins, found under the head of male Phallostethoidea with the anus opening on one side and the genital pore on the other. The structure varies among family members. Hook-like ctenactia articulate basally with the aproctal axial which is movably articulated with the proctal axial bone itself, suspended anteriorly by the outer (and sometimes inner) pulvinular bone from the cleithrum and perhaps the urohyal. Other elements are the priapal ribs, the anteplural cartilage (supporting elements along with the cleithrum and the pulvinar), the toxactinium, the infrasulcar and the uncus (forming the claspers along with the ctenactinium), the penial, basipenial, papillary, prepapillary and cristate bones (forming the papillary unit).  
精器 一種具肌肉、骨質的交腳器與交配器官的複合體,主要是由腹鰭衍生而來,可見於胸棒魚總科帶頭的雄魚,一側為肛門孔,另一側則為生殖孔。科成員的結構是具多樣化。鈎狀的櫛突基本上是以關節與 aproctal axial 相連,其再以可移動關節連結於 proctal axial bone的本體上,前面則懸接於由來自匙骨與也許是尾舌骨的枕狀骨外部 (與有時是內部)。其他元素包括精器肋骨; anteplural 軟骨組織 (支撐匙骨與枕狀突的要件) ;彎突、下溝突與鈎狀突(形成交腳器及櫛突);陰莖骨、陰莖基骨、乳突骨、前乳 