名詞 定義 
rate of natural increase Instantaneous rate of surplus production (equal to rate of growth plus rate of recruitment less rate of natural mortality - all in terms of weight and on an instantaneous basis. )In a balanced or equilibrium fishery, this increment replaces what is removed by fishing, and rate of surplus production is numerically equal to rate of fishing (Ricker, 1975)).  
自然增加率 剩餘生產即時率 (等於成長率加上入添率,再減去自然死亡率 - 全部以重量為條件,並且在即時的原則上)。 在一個均衡漁業裡,這個增加量可取代漁撈移走量,且剩餘生產率在數字上是等於漁撈率的。 