名詞 定義 
recruit-to-spawner ratio An estimate of the number of recruits (fish that are available for harvest in addition to those that escape the fishery to spawn) produced by the previous generation of spawners. The spawner-to-spawner ratio estimates the number of spawners (those fish that reproduced or were expected to reproduce) in one generation produced by the previous generation of spawners. A spawner-to-spawner ratio of 1.0 indicates that, on average, each spawner produced one offspring that survived to spawn; the size of such a population would remain unchanged over that generation.  
入添魚對產卵魚之比率 藉由前一個世代產卵魚所產下的入添魚的數量估計 (魚是可獲得的收獲物,除了逃脫漁場而去產卵的) 。產卵魚對產卵魚之比率是藉由產卵魚的前一個世代所產下的一個世代中來估計產卵魚的數字 (那些魚是可繁殖的或被預期可繁殖的)。一個產卵魚對產卵魚之比率為 1.0時, 一般說來,表示每隻產卵魚產下的一隻後代可存活至產卵;如此一個族群的大小經過那個世代後,仍將會保持不變。 