名詞 |
定義 |
sacculus |
The middle and largest chamber of the inner ear, between the utriculus and the lagena, the other two chambers. It has a wide connection to the upper part of the labyrinth in Petromyzontiformes, cartilaginous fishes and primitive bony fishes but inadvanced teleosts the connection is narrow and, exceptionally, it is completely separate, e.g. in Aplodinotus. Contains the otolith called the sagitta or sacculolith. Also called saccule. |
球形囊 |
在內耳中央的大腔室,介於其它二個腔室--卵形囊與瓶形囊之間。在七鰓鰻目、軟骨魚類與原始的硬骨魚類,有一個寬連接到迷路的部分上半部,但在高等的硬骨魚,其連接是狹窄的,甚至是完全分離的,例如淡水石首魚。其內的耳石被稱為矢耳石或球形囊耳石。也稱作 saccule。 |