名詞 定義 
sagitta The otolith in the sacculus, the largest of the otoliths except in Cyprinidae and Siluridae. Also called sacculolith. It has been used for identification of species, for identification from remains in the diet of other organisms, and from remains in archaeological sites. The anterior end is pointed and the posterior end is rounded, straight or may be notched. Mesially it has a groove, the sulcus acusticus, which divides the otolith into dorsal and ventral halves and is margined by superior and inferior crests. The posterior branch of the acoustic nerve runs along the sulcus. The expanded anterior opening of the sulcus is called the ostium and has pointed margins, the longest being called the rostrum and the shorter the antirostrum. The posterior end is called the cauda (and may not extend to the otolith margin). The cauda may have dorsal and ventral points, the pararostrum and postrostrum respectively. A narrowing of the sulcus is called the collum and is the focus of sagitta formation. The upper rim is shorter than the lower rim and rims may be scalloped or have bulging domes.  
矢耳石 在球形囊內的耳石,是鯉科和鯰科之外最大的耳石,也稱作「sacculolith」。可被用來作為種的鑑定、由殘存物鑑定其他生物的食性,與作為考古場址遺物的鑑定。其前端是尖的,後端是圓形的、直的或者能是有凹槽的。中央有一個凹槽,稱為耳道溝, 把耳石分為背部和腹部二等份,且有上下冠緣。聽覺神經的後面分支沿著溝而走。溝的前端擴大開口被稱為孔,具有尖的邊緣;最長的部稱為喙;較短的部分稱為反喙;後端稱為尾(而且可能無法延伸到耳石邊緣)。尾可能有背部和腹部尖端,分別稱為側喙和後喙。溝的狹窄區稱作頸,是矢成型的中心。上緣較 