名詞 定義 
scale formula Scale counts are sometimes presented in the form of a formula. The number of scales above the lateral line is given above as the numerator, the number below the lateral line as the denominator under the line; before and after this fraction are given respectively the lowest and highest number of scales in the lateral line, e.g. 44 9-10/12-14 48, means 44 to 48 scales in the lateral line, 9-10 scales above the lateral line (not including the mid-dorsal scale) and 12-14 scales below the lateral line. Sometimes the count is given as L. transv. 9/14 which means 9 scales above and 14 below the lateral line. Sometimes also given as 9+70+11, meaning 9 above the lateral line, 70 in the lateral line, 11 below the lateral line.  
鱗式 鱗片計數有時候以一種定則的格式表示。在側線上面的鱗片數當做分子放在上面,在側線下面的鱗片數當做分母放在下面;在這個分數的前面和後面就分別地給予最低數與最高數 , 例如44 9-10/12-14 48,意謂側線上有44 到 48個鱗片,9-10個側線上鱗(不包括背中側鱗) 與 12- 14個側線下鱗。有時計數被當作 L. transv. 9/14,意謂 9個側線上鱗與 14個側線下鱗。有時也被當作 9+70+11, 意謂9個側線上鱗,70個在側線上,11個側線下鱗。 