名詞 定義 
spectacle A transparent membrane covering the eye. Petromyzontidae have a primary spectacle that is an unattached modification of the cornea while other fishes may have a secondary spectacle formed from skin originally fused to the cornea and subsequently separated. The secondary spectacle is found in fish that live in habitats with abrasive substrates or in fish with protruding eyes that require some streamlining.  
防護膜 一種蓋住眼睛的透明薄膜。七鰓鰻科有一個原始的防護膜,那是角膜的一個獨立變異,其他的魚則可能有一個次級的防護膜,初期是從皮膚融合角膜而成的,後來則分開。次級的防護膜被發現於生活於具有粗糙磨擦底質棲息地的魚,或具有突起而需要一些流線狀眼形的魚。 