名詞 定義 
virtual population analysis An algorithm for computing historical fishing mortality rates and stock sizes by age or length, based on data on catches, natural mortality, and certain assumptions about mortality for the last year and last age group. Essentially reconstructs the history of each cohort or year class over its life in a fishery, assuming that the observed catches are known without error. Abbreviated as VPA. Also called cohort analysis.  
虛擬族群分析 計算年齡或長度的歷史漁獲死亡率與群體大小的一個運算法則,以資料顯示捕獲,自然死亡率與某些假設有關死亡的最後年與最後年齡聚集。實質上在一個漁場中必需重建生活上的每個系群或年群的歷史,假定被觀察的捕獲沒有錯誤。縮寫如VPA。也稱作 cohort analysis (系群分析)。 