名詞 定義 
gynogenesis The consistent production of only female offspring where the diploid or triploid eggs are activated by sperm from the male of a bisexual species but the paternal chromosomes are not incorporated in the embryo. The offspring are thus maternal replicates in morphology and in chromosome number, e.g. in the Poeciliidae Poecilia (Mollienisia) formosa and Poeciliopsis monacha-lucida and in the Cyprinidae Carassius auratus and Phoxinus neogaeus. See also hybridogenesis. 
雌核發育 雙倍或三倍性的卵被兩性種的雄魚精子活化,產生只有雌性後代的繁殖,父親的染色體不參與胚胎合併。後代在形態與染色體數目是如母親一樣的,例如在花鱂科的亞瑪遜帆鱂與孤若花鱂與在鯉科中的蘭氏鯽與細鱗鱥。亦參見 hybridogenesis。 