名詞 定義 
hybridogenesis The consistent production of only female offspring where sperm from a male of a bisexual species contributes parental chromosomes to the diploid hybrid progeny, which itself transmits only the maternal chromosomes to the eggs of its progeny, the paternal chromosomes being lost at meiosis, e.g. Poeciliopsis monacha-lucida, P. monacha-occidentalis. See also gynogenesis.  
雜種發育 來自一隻兩性種的雄魚精子促進親代染色體產生兩倍體雜交後代,只產生雌性的後代,它本身只傳遞由母親染色體的卵到後代,父親染色體在減數分裂時失去,舉例來說孤若花鱂和浮鰷。亦參見 gynogenesis。 