名詞 定義 
anterodorsal palpebral depressor muscle In the orectoloboid family Parascylliidae, paired head muscles that originate at the insertions of the preorbitalis muscles on the anterolateroventral face of the Meckel's cartilage, and insert on the skin of the upper eyelid anterior to the eye. These are possibly for depressing the upper eyelids and closing the eyes, and are not found in any other sharks.  
前背部眼臉的抑壓者肌肉 在鬚鮫魚類的喉鬚鮫科中,起始自Meckel軟骨的前側腹面上的 preorbitalis 肌肉的嵌入處,且在眼球前面之上眼瞼的皮膚上插入的一對頭部肌肉。這可能是為了壓下上眼瞼及閉眼,其他鯊魚無此構造。 