名詞 定義 
basiventral cartilages A pair of rounded or wedge-shaped cartilages on the ventrolateral surfaces of a vertebral centrum that form the bases for attachment of ribs in monospondylous precaudal vertebrae. In diplospondylous precaudal and caudal vertebrae the basiventrals form haemal arches along with the interventral cartilages for protecting the caudal artery and vein.  
基腹片軟骨組織 一對圓的或者楔形的軟骨組織在椎骨椎體的腹側表面上在 monospondylous 尾前椎形成肋骨的附著基礎。在雙體椎型的尾前椎與尾部的脊椎骨中,基腹片形成脈弓以及保護尾鰭動脈與靜脈的間腹片軟骨組織。 