名詞 |
定義 |
excurrent apertures |
The posterior and ventrally facing openings of the nostrils, which direct water out of the nasal cavities and which are often partially covered by the anterior nasal flaps. These are usually medial on the nostrils and posteromedial to the incurrentapertures, but may be posterior to the incurrent apertures only. (See also: incurrent apertures, nostril) |
排除孔 |
鼻孔後面及腹面的開口,直接從鼻腔排水而且時常部被前鼻瓣部份蓋住。這些通常在鼻孔中間到進流孔後中部,但是也可能只有進流孔後面有。(亦參見 incurrent apertures、nostril) |