名詞 定義 
rostromandibular muscle In the orectoloboid family Parascylliidae, paired head muscles that originate on the sides of the adductor mandibulae muscles and insert via long tendons on the medial rostral cartilage. These are posssibly for depressing the snout. Not found in any other sharks, though analogous muscles exist in batoids.  
吻頜肌肉 在鬚鮫亞目喉鬚鮫科中,是成對的頭部肌肉源自於內轉肌頜部肌肉的側邊上,以及經由長肌腱插入中間吻部軟骨組織上。這些可能是為了壓下吻部 。它並不出現在任何其他的鯊魚上,雖然有類似的肌肉存在於鰩類。 