名詞 定義 
adhesion The uniting of two surfaces or structures which should normally be apart, e.g. visceral organs attached to the abdominal wall, the result of acute or chronic inflammation. As used in microbiology, in nature, microorganisms often bind specifically or non-specifically to a substratum or to other cells; in some cases adhesion is known to be mediated by specialized microbial components or structures. Free-living microorganisms in aquatic habitats often adhere to submerged surfaces on e.g., particles of debris, other organisms, or man-made structures sometimes forming biofilms.  
附著 通常應該分別地的二個表面的聯合或結構,例如內臟的器官依附於腹壁,常是急性或慢性發炎的結果。 當被用於微生物學,在自然界中,微生物時常特別的或非特別的附著在下層土壤或其他的細胞; 在一些情況下的附著是被特殊化的微生物的組成或結構所調和。在水生棲息地的自由生活微生物時常在例如上遵守水下的表面,殘礫,其他的生物或人造的結構的粒子有時形成生物膜。 