名詞 定義 
fast ice Ice which is held in position by contact with or attachment to the shore bottom. It is called ice foot if frozen to the shore, shore ice if cast onto the shore or beached, stranded ice if grounded, and bottom ice if frozen to the bottom. Ice which is not in contact with or attached to the shore or bottom is called floating ice (coastal ice, coast ice, landfast ice).  
固著冰 因接觸或附著海岸底部而固定住的冰。若冰凍到岸邊則被稱為冰腳,若在海岸或海灘上則稱作岸冰,若擱淺了則稱為擱淺冰,若冰凍至海底則稱作底冰。未接觸或者依附於海岸或底部的則被稱為浮冰 (沿海冰,陸地固著冰)。 