名詞 |
定義 |
exoskeleton |
The external, or integumentary, skeleton, including scales and dermal scutes, fin rays and spines, and the connective tissue attaching the skin to underlying parts of the body, also: hard parts on the body surface developed in the dermis, called membrane or dermal bones (scales, scutes, spines, plates, elements of the head and pectoral girdle, etc.). In bony fishes, many of these bones migrated to deeper layers below the dermis, forming a secondary exoskeleton. |
外骨骼 |
在外部或外皮的骨骼,包括鱗片與表皮的鱗甲、鰭條與棘,與連接皮膚附到身體的結締組織:在真皮中被發生在身體表面上的堅硬的部份,被稱為薄膜或真骨骼(鱗片、鱗甲、棘、板、頭部與肩帶的組成等等)。在硬骨魚類,大部份這些硬骨埋在真皮之下到較深層,形成第二外骨骼。 |