名詞 定義 
fin element counts In preserved fishes, it is often necessary to spread the fins by gently flexing the body or by lifting these elements, sometimes one by one, with a probe or a needle. Magnification is often required for accurate counts. In many publications, counts of spines are given in Roman numerals, to distinguish them from the soft rays (e.g., XIII, 21-25).  
鰭軟條數 在保存的標本中,時常必需藉由逐漸地彎曲身體或者藉由拉起這些軟鰭條,用探針或一根針一個個整理鰭條。為正確的計數需要常必須要放大觀察。在許多發表中,棘的計數是以羅馬數字記錄,以與軟鰭條區別 (例如, XIII, 21-25)。 