名詞 定義 
finfish A term used to separate true fish from shellfish, crayfish, jellyfish. True fishes, those poikilothermic vertebrates breathing by gills throughout life and having limbes, if any, in the form of fins. Used to indicate true fishes in the context where the word fish is applied in its broad sense to cover aquatic animals such as whales, crustaceans and molluscs. 
有鰭魚 用來區分貝,小龍蝦,水母與真的魚類。真骨的魚,整個生命史藉著鰓呼吸的變動體溫脊椎動物,具有附肢,若有則形成鰭。用來指出內文的真骨的魚,魚廣義被應用於水生的動物例如鯨,甲殼動物與軟體動物。 