名詞 |
定義 |
fork length |
Length of a fish measured from the tip of the snout to the posterior end of the middle caudal rays. This measurement is used instead of standard length for fishes on which it is difficult to ascertain the end of the vertebral column, and instead of total length in fish with stiff, forked tail, e.g., tuna. Mostly used in fishery biology and not in systematics. |
尾叉長 |
魚體長度的測量,從吻尖到尾部中央的鰭條後端的間距。當椎骨末端難以確定時,此測量方法可取代標準長度測量,也可取代全長測量,用於具有硬且開叉的尾部,例如鮪魚。大部份被用於漁業生物學而非系統分類學。 |