名詞 定義 
formalin A 40% solution of formaldehyde in water, used for conserving fish, also: formaldehyde gas dissolved in water used as a fixative and preservative in fish collections as decay bacteria cannot live in a 5-10% solution of it. Formalin is a 37-40% solution of formaldehyde in water, making 100% formalin. Usually replaced with ethanol for long term storage. Formalin is a noxious chemical and should be handled with appropriate safety measures.  
福馬林 甲醛的百分之四十水溶液,用來了保存魚,又: 因腐敗細菌不能夠生活於百分之五到十的甲醛溶液中,故溶解在水中的甲醛氣體在魚類收藏中是作為固定及保存用途。福馬林是甲醛的37到40%水溶液,稱為100%福馬林。之後為了長期儲藏常以乙醇取代。福馬林是一有害的化學,觸摸時應有適當的安全措施。 