名詞 定義 
natural mortality That component of total mortality not caused by fishing, but by natural causes such as predation, diseases, senility, pollution, etc. Natural mortality can be reported as either annual or instantaneous. Annual mortality (M) is the fish dying during the year expressed as fraction of the fish alive at the beginning of the year. For example, M 0.5 means that half of the fish alive at the beginning of the year will die during that year. Instantaneous mortality is the percentage of fish dying at any one time.  
自然死亡率 總死亡率的組成並非藉由漁撈所引起的,而是藉著自然的因素,例如掠食、疾病、高齡、污染等等。自然死亡率可分年度的或即時的報告。年度死亡率 (M) 是表示全年度魚類死亡的數目,以魚類年初活著的魚的分數來表示。 舉例來說,M 0.5 意謂那年期間年初活著的魚將有一半會死亡。 即時死亡率是表示在任何一次魚類死亡的百分比。 