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日期 發信人 發信單位 來函主旨
2013-01-03 REX K. Lu 請教魚類辨識
2011-09-15 Reshmy Centre For Marine Living Resources and Ecology, India Request for the reference material
2012-03-02 Rebecca Taylor ARKive Media Researcher Image of Paramyxine cheni
2009-11-25 Ralf Theuer www.peri-life.de Taiwan Fish Database: Pictures
2013-05-08 Rachel Atanacio FishBase E. hawaiensis and E. machnata
2005-09-08 Rachel FishBase Permission to use pictures
2003-05-18 po giga 邵先生你好想請教你這是 ? 魚
2009-04-20 Pamela J. Cockrell, M.Ed. 7th Grade Mathematics Department, Tupelo Middle School stingrays
2016-01-21 Padma Devarapalli EGREE Foundation Request to use the photo of Eleotris melanosoma
2001-08-15 Omer Italian boys 蒐集全球動物影像時使用台灣魚類資料庫之照片
2005-01-10 Norman MacLeod Keeper of Palaeontology The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London Trachipterus ishikawae image
2008-12-03 Nicole Caldarelli Firefly Books Ltd. copyright for photo used in Ocean Census
2014-12-21 Najim Al-Daham Bembrops caudimacula Steindachner, 1876
2007-09-29 Mike Gallagher Michael Hoff Productions, Inc. Japanese Eel picture
2005-07-12 Mike Barton Mike Barton photo permission request
2010-01-28 Michael Noren FishBase Sweden Request to use photo of Anguilla japonica from FishBase
2010-09-17 Michael Ball NOAA Fisheries in Woods Hole, MA, USA Naucrates ductor photo
2012-01-27 Mena Ferreira Universidade dos Açores - DCA Request for permission to use photos in Azorean Biodiversity Portal
2011-01-12 Meera Mohandas Center for Marine Living Resources and Ecology Request for a paper
2006-09-06 Md. Anwarul Islam Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh Fishbase Images for Encyclopedia