Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
Lost3370 Jones, R.S.; Hettler, W.F.; Hubbs, C. 1962 Effects of Maternal Death on Survival of Fertilized Eggs of the Fish, [Etheostoma spectabile]. The Texas Journal of Science. 
Lost3371 Kemp, R.J.Jr. 1954 First Record of the Cypress Minnow ([hybognathus Hayi] Jordan) in Texas. The Texas Journal of Science. 
Lost3372 Miller, R.R.; Hubbs, C. 1962 [Gila pandora], a Cyprinid New to the Texas Fish Fauna. The Texas Journal of Science. 
Lost3374 Scott, T.D. 1957 A New Blenny (Tripterygiidae) and Pipefish (Syngnathidae) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 
Lost3375 Regan, M.A.; Tate, C.  A Revision of the Clupeid Fishes of the Genera Sardinella, Havengula,. The Trustees of the Brithish Musuem. 
Lost3376 Follett, W.I.; Dempster, L.J. 1966 Partial Melanalbinism in a Scorpaenid Fish, [Sebastodes melanostomus] Eigenmann and Eigenmann, from Monterey Bay, California, with Selected References to Melanism and Alainism in Fishes. The Wasmann Jour. Biol. 
Lost3377 Follette, W.I.; Dempster, L.J. 1966 Partial melanalbinism in a scorpaenid fish, sebastodes melanostomus eigenmann and eigenmann, from Monterey Bay, California with selected reference to Melanism and Albinism in Fishes. The Wasmann Jour. Biol. 
Lost3379 Phillips, J.B. 1942 Osteology of the Sardine (Sardinops caeruiea). The wistar intitute of anatomy and biology philadelphia, PA. 
Lost3381 Crossman, E.J.; McAllister, D.E. 1986 Zoogeography of the freshwater fishes of the Hudson Bay Drainage, Ungava Bay and the Arctic Archipelago. The Zoogeography of North American Freshwater Fishes, John Wiley& Sons. Inc. 
Lost3382 Ashwarth, J.H. 1930 Ecology, bionomics and evolution of the torrential fauna, with special reference to the organs of attachment. Thesis, of the University of Edinburgh, Zoological Survey of India. 
Lost3383 Wongratana, T.  Identification of [Nemipterus] in Thailand. To be published in Hawaii (2nd CSK Symposium, Tokyo, Japan). 
Lost3384 Wongratana, T. 1972 Contributions to the sea fishes from thailand in the biologische anstalt helgoland, zentrale, hambure, germany. To be published in West Germany. 
Lost3385 Parin, N.V.P; Besednov, L.N.;H.B. Napuhu; N.H. Becedenov 1978 Netyyne Pbigbi(Oxyporhamphidae u Exocoetidae) flying fish. Tohkuhckoyo 3anmba. 
Lost3386 Yasuno, M.; Whitton, B. A. 1987 Biological monitoring of environmental pollution. Tokai university press. 
Lost3387 Hori, K.; N. Fusetani; K. Hsshimoto; K. Aida; J. E. Randall 1979 Occurrence of a grammistin -- luke mucous toxin in the chingfish Diademichthys lineatusToxicon. 
Lost3388 Svetovidov, A.N. 1953 Materials onthe Structure of the Fish Brain 1. Structure of the Brain of Codfishes. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR.