Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
Lost3699 Ruck, J.G. 1973 Development of Tripterygion capito and T. robustum (Pisces: Tripterygiidae). Zoology publications from victoria university of wellington. 
Lost3700 Reif, W.E. 1976 Morphogensis, Pattern Formation and Function of the Dentition of Heterodontus (Selachii). Zoom. 
Lost3701 Jansson, B.; Olssen, B. 1960 The Cytelogy of the Caecal Epithelial Calls of Perca. Zootomical Inst. Univ. Stockholm. 
Lost3702 Klunzimger, A.  Pomacentridae: Heliastes lividus n. sp. Labridae, Gadidae. Zur fischfauna von Sud-Australien. 
Lost3703 張仁齋,陸穗芬,趙傳絪,陳蓮芳,臧增嘉,姜言偉 1985 中國近海魚卵與仔魚. 上海科學技術出版社. 
Lost3706 大竹子正治,穗井田克範,大津高 1989 御所山周邊水系の魚類. 山形縣總合學術調查會. 
Lost3709 木村重 1964 The Freshwater Fish Fauna of Yamagata Pref., North-eastern District of Japan 山形縣ソ淡水魚類. 山形縣總合學術調查會, 朝日連峰別刷. 
Lost3710 木村重 1970 飯豊連峰付近の淡水魚類. 山形縣總合學術調查會, 飯豊連峰別刷. 
Lost3711 邵廣昭  雀鯛科魚類數值分類學之研究-I.台灣產雀鯛科魚類之種類及其分布. 中山大學學報. 
Lost3712 邵廣昭 1987 中文摘要:臺灣新記錄之鯥科魚類 中央研究院動物所專刊 
Lost3713 邵廣昭 1988 北部海域設置人工魚礁之規劃研究. 中央研究院動物所專刊. 
Lost3714 林麗紅 1987 The systematic studies of family Sphyraenidae from the waters around Taiwan. 中國文化大學海研所資源組碩士論文. 
Lost3715 Chang, K.H.; Lee, S.C. 張崑雄,李信徹  台灣產鯖亞科魚類之初步檢討 A preliminary review of Scombrinae of Taiwan 中國水產 
Lost3716 Hsiao, S.M. 蕭世明  [Tilapia mossambica], [T. nilotica], [T. aurea]及[T. zillii]之雜交試驗初報. 中國水產. 
Lost3718 宋薰華  台灣新發現之艾氏圓鯧魚 中國水產 
Lost3719 胡舜智  吳郭魚類引進台灣的再檢討 中國水產