Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
             1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180   Page:1177/1193  Page Size:        
ID Author Year Title Publisher
05184 Sainsbury, K.J.; Kailola, P.J.; Leyland, G.G. 1985 Continental Shelf Fishes of Northern and North-Western Australia, an Illustrated Guide.  
05190 Secor, D. H., J. M. Dean and E. H. Laban 1991 Manual for Otolith Removal and Preparation for Microstructural Examination.  
05193 Lee, G. Y., S. J. Kim, H. O. Kim and S. R. Jeon 李金泳,金聖周,金賢玉,田祥. 1984 Karyotypes of the leuciscinae fishes (Cyprindae) in Korea and Japan.  
05197 Ginsburg, I. 1952 Fishes of the Family Carangidae of The Northern Gulf of Mexico and Three Related Species.  
05316 Harrison, I. J.  Mugilidae - Lisas.  
B1176 Okamura, O. 1970 Studies on the Macrouroid Fishes of Japan, morphology, ecology and phylogeny .  
B3619-01 Merrett, N.R.; Haedrich, R.L. 1997 DEEP-SEA DEMERSAL FISH AND FISHERIES.  
B3618-01 Longhurst A. 1998 ECOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA.  
B3600 尼岡邦夫 2001 魚類的多樣性生物.  
B3556-01 千田哲資, 南卓志, 木下泉 2001 稚魚的自然史.  
B3556-02 松浦啟一, 宮正樹 1999 魚的自然史.  
B3611-01 許堂仁, 方玉梅 2002 鰻魚物語  
B3605 Lau, P.P.F.; Li, L.W.H. 1999 An Identification Guide on Fishes in Live Seafood Market of Asia-Pacific Region.  
B3648 DeSalle R.; Schierwater B. 1998 Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution.  
B3752  1999 Economic - Environmental Modelling of Coastal Zones in the Red River Delta, Vietnam.