Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
20282 Espineira, M., N. Gonzalez-Lavin, J.M. Vieites, and F.J. Santaclara 2008 Development of a Method for the Genetic Identification of Flatfish Species on the Basis of Mitochondrial DNA Sequences. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 
20306 Azevedo, M.F.C., C. Oliveira, B.G. Pardo, P. Martínez, and F. Foresti1 2008 Phylogenetic analysis of the order Pleuronectiformes (Teleostei) based on sequences of 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. Genetics and Molecular Bilogy. 
B5406 莊慶達 編 2008 海洋資源管理理論與實務 Marine Resources Management 五南圖書出版股份有限公司 
20364 朱炳盛, 楊頌恩 2008 環保海鮮指南 - 今天的選擇,締造明天的海洋 Sustainable Seafood Guidebook - For the Future of Our Oceans. 世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF Hong Kong. 
B5489  2008 Fisheries management. 2. The ecosystem approach to fisheries. 2.1 Best practices in ecosystem modelling for informing an ecosystem approach to fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. 
B5502 Bensch, A., M. Gianni, D. Greboval, J. S. Sanders, and A. Hjort 2008 Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. 
B5523 方力行, 邵廣昭, 陳義雄, 劉銘欽, 韓僑權 2008 台灣淡水魚的來龍去脈特展專刊 The dispersal history of inland water fishes in Taiwan 國立海洋生物博物館 
B5569 計畫主持人:李國添 2008 97年度計畫放流效益評估報告: 沿近海漁業永續發展-種苗放流及保育宣導 台灣漁業永續發展協會 執行 
B5622 曾晴賢, 陳義雄 (計畫主持人) 2008 淡水魚類資源評估及保育類明路建立機制之研究期末報告 A research on the assessment of freshwater fish resource and establishment of the endangered species checklist 行政院農業委員會, 中華民國魚類學會 
B5628 農委會林務局 2008 林務局97年度生物多樣性領域委辦科技計畫期末審查會議 農委會林務局 
B5629 農委會林務局 2008 林務局97年度生物多樣性領域委辦科技計畫期中審查會議 農委會林務局 
B5634 Dahlgren, C. 著; 馬志華 等譯 2008 海洋自然保護區 Marine Reserves 北京: 海洋出版社 
B5711 Peter Batson and Brian Batson 2008 Creatures of the Deep. Scholastic Inc. 
B5733 曾晴賢, 陳義雄 計畫主持人 2008 淡水魚類資源評估及保育類明路建立機制之研究 期末報告 A research on the assessment of freshwater fish resource and establishment of the endangered species checklist. 中華民國魚類學會 執行, 行政院農業委員會林務局 委託. 
01528 Carlson, B.A., J.E. Randall, and M.N. Dawson 2008 a new species of Epibulus (Perciformes: Labridae) from the West Pacific. Copeia. 
01551 Schwartz, F.J. 2008 A Survey of Tail Spine Characteristics of Stingrays Frequenting African, Arabian to Chagos-Maldive Archipelago waters. Smithiana Bulletin.