Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
B5587 楊志仁,楊清閔,李展榮 2011 綠島海域最佳潛點深入介紹 The Best Diving Locations on Green Island 國立海洋生物博物館 
B5590 Samuel P. Iglésias 2011 Chondrichthyans from the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (a natural classification based on collection specimens, with DNA barcodes and standardized photographs (plates & text) Provisional version 05. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 
B5591 Samuel P. Iglesias 2011 Actinopterygians from the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (a natural clasification based on collection specimens, with DNA barcodes and standardized photographs) Volume I (plates) Provisional version 07. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 
20387 Liao, Y.-C., T.-Y. Cheng, and K.-T. Shao 2011 Parapercis lutevittata, a new cryptic species of Parapercis (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae), from the western Pacific based on morphological evidence and DNA barcoding. Zootaxa. 
20395 JØRGEN G. NIELSEN 2011 Revision of the bathyal fish genus Pseudonus (Teleostei, Bythitidae); P. squamiceps a senior synonym of P. platycephalus, new to Australian waters. Zootaxa. 
B5599 陳正平, 詹榮桂, 黃建華, 郭人維, 邵廣昭 2011 東沙魚類生態圖鑑 Fishes of Dongsha Atoll in South China Sea 高雄市: 海洋國家公園管理處 
B5601 Kendall, A.W., Jr. (ed.) 2011 Identification of Eggs and Larvae of Marine Fishes. Tokai University Press. 
B5602 Kendall, A.W., Jr. (ed.) 2011 Identification of Eggs and Larvae of Marine Fishes. Tokai University Press. 
B5605 Hall, S.J., A. Delaporte, M.J. Phillips, M. Beveridge, M.O'Keefe 2011 Blue Frontiers: Managing the evnironmental costs of aquaculture. The WorldFish Center, Malaysia. 
20396 Hsuan-Ching Ho and Kwang-Tsao Shao 2011 Annotated checklist and type catalog of fish genera and species described from Taiwan. Zootaxa. 
B5606 戴昌鳳 2011 台灣珊瑚礁地圖 (上) 臺灣本島篇 Eco-tourism Map of Coral Reefs in Taiwan (Vol. 1) 台北市: 天下遠見 
B5607 戴昌鳳 2011 台灣珊瑚礁地圖 (下) 台灣離島篇 Eco-tourism Map of Coral Reefs in Taiwan (Vol. 2) 台北市: 天下遠見 
20398 Fraser, T.H. and J.E. Randall 2011 Two new species of Foa (Apogonidae) from the Pacific Plate, with redescriptions of Foa brachygramma and Foa fo. Zootaxa. 
B5632 李思忠, 張春光 等 編著 2011 中國動物誌: 硬骨魚綱 - 銀漢魚目, 鱂形目, 頜針魚目, 蛇鳚目, 鱈形目. 北京: 科學出版社. 
B5633 李玉尚 2011 海有丰歉 - 黃渤海的魚類與環境變遷 (1368-1958) 上海: 上海交通大學出版社 
B5642 李冠國, 范振剛 編 2011 海洋生態學(第二版) Marine Ecology (2nd ed.) 北京: 高等教育出版社