Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
13302 Alvarez, J. 1972 Algunos ejemplos de especiaci{'o}n en peces mexicanos. Acta Polit{'e}cnica Mexicana. 
13303 Alvarez, J. 1972 Bosquejo histrico de la ictiologia en mexico. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biol{'o}gicas, M{'e}xico, Distrito Federal. 
13305 Alvarez, J. 1948 Descripcin de una nueva especie de Mollienisia capturada en Baos del Azufre, Tabasco (Pisces, Poeciliidae). An. Esc. Nac. Cienc. Biol. Mex. 
13304 Alvarez, J. and M. T. Corts 1964 Una especie de Algansea capturada en el Alto Lerma (Pisc., Cyprin.). Ciencia (Mex. City). 
00316 Alvarez-leon, R. 1980 A specimen of Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters) lacking pelvic fins. J. Fish Biol. 
06138 Alverson, Franklin G. 1961 Daylight Surface Occurrence of Myctophid Fishes Off the Coast of Central America. Pacific Science. 
13306 Alverson, Franklin G. 1964 1916, the pioneer year of tuna tagging on the Pacific coast of North America. Califoria Fish and Game. 
20489 Alves, M.J., H. Coelho, M.J. Collares-pereira, and M.M. Coelho 2001 Mitochondrial DNA variation in the highly endangered cyprinid fish Anaecypris hispanica: importance for conservation. Heredity. 
15001 Alves-Gomes, J. A. and Orti, G. and Haygood, M. and Heiligenberg, W. and Meyer, A. 1995 Phylogenetic analysis of the South American electric fishes (order Gymnotiformes) and the evolution of their electrogenic system: a synthesis based on morphology, electrophysiology, and mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 
10709 Alvin Seale 1932 Aganostomus hancocki Seale sp. nov. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) . 
LOST20536 Amal Kumar Patra and Tanmay Datta 2010 Diversity of Cypriniformes Fish Fauna in Karala River, a Tributary of Teesta River at Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal, India. Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 
13307 Amalcher, Erwin 1961 Handbook of fish diseases.  
Lost1084 Amaok, K. 1990 Two nes and on rare species of bohtid flounders from Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean (Teleostei;Pleuronectiformes). Copeia. 
09313 Amaok, K; Abe, K. 1977 Description of a new alepocephalid fish Bajacalifornia erimoensis, and a second record of Alepocephalus umbriceps off Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. 
06416 Amaoka, K 1970 Studies on the Larvae and Juveniles of the Sinistral Flounders - I: Taeniopsetta ocellata (Gunther). Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 
13308 Amaoka, K 1963 A revision of the flatfish referable to the genus Psettina found in the waters around Japan. Bulletin of Misaki Marine Biology Institute, Kyoto University.