Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
Lost3125 Beaumariage, D.S. 1968 Manufacture of Fish Meal from Florida's Fishery Waste and Underexploited Fishes. Part I. Wet Reduction. Part II. Liquefaction. State of Florida, Board of Conservation, Technical Series. 
Lost3124 Starks, E.C. 1930 The Primary Shoulder Girdle of the Bong Fishes. Stanford Univ. Pub. Biol. Sci. 
Lost3123 Weitzman, S.H. 1957 The systematic position of piton's presumed characid fishes from the eocene of central france. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3122 Weitzman, S.H. 1954 The osteology and the relationships of the south american characid fishes of the subfamily gasteropelecinae. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3121 Weitzman, S.H. 1962 Osteology of berycon meeki. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3120 Weitzman, S.H.  further notes on the relationships and classification of the south american characid fishes of the subfamily gasteropelecinae. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3119 Weitzman, S.H.  Figures and description of south american catfish,corydoras reticulatus fraserbrunner,. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3118 Tyler, J.C.  Notes on the Flatefishes of the genus poecilopsetta occuring atlantic waters. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3117 Myers, G.S. 1960 A Forgotten Account of a Fresh-water Belonid Fish from Northern India. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3116 Herre, A.W.C.T. 1942 New and little known phallostethids, with keys to the genera and philippine species. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. 
Lost3113 Böhlke, J. E. 1954 Studies on fishes of the family Characidae. No. 7. A new genus and species of glandulocaudine characids from Central Brazil. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 
Lost3112  1951 News on the Standford Center of fish and fishery work. Standf. Ichthy. Bull. 
Lost3111 Myers, G. S. 1951 Some forgotten but available names for Indian fishes. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 
Lost3110 Böhlke, J. E. 1951 Meadia, a new genus for the West Pacific dysommid eel, Dysomma abyssale Kamohara. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 
Lost3108 Simon, R.C. 1964 Fixation and fat extraction before staining and squashing for chromosomes of fish embryos. Stain Technology. 
Lost3106 Walker, B.W. 1961 The ecology of the salton sea,california,in relation to the sportfishery. Sta.Calif. Depart.Fish and game.,fish bull.