Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
Lost4223 Yabe, M. 1991 Bolinia euryptera,a new genus and species of sculpin (scorpaeniformes:cottidae)from the bering sea.  
01933 Yang, J. J.  The preliminary on the founa and ecology of the coral fishes of the xisha islands in the South China Sea  
Lost4225 Yen, C.W. 顏重威  A Review of Daselfishes (Pomacentridae) of Taiwan 台灣產雀鯛科報告.  
Lost4227 Yoshino, T.; Shimada, K. 1988 first record of a gobiid fish of the genus psilogobius from Japan' Galaxes.  
Lost4228 Younes, T. 1993 biology international (the news magazine of the international union of biological sciences.  
Lost4229 Youne's, T. 1994 international union of biological sciences union international des biologiques.  
00170 Yu, M.J. 1963 The fishes of the family Holocentridae found in the waters of Taiwan.  
Lost4236 小(Ё尺)貴和 1993 on the fishery of ponyfish leiognathus rivulatus in kagoshima bay.  
Lost4238 小(Ё尺)貴和 1991 類量化工類ズペсДд仔魚ソ消化管內容物分析.  
Lost4240 中村泉 1986 important fishes trawled off patagonia.  
Lost4242 王丕烈 1986 distribution,ecology and resource conservation of the spotted seal in the huanghai and bohai seas.  
Lost4243 王丕烈 1985 studies on the breeding habits of the minke whale (balaenoptera acutorostrata)in the yellow sea.  
02048 李玉玲 1985 經濟性海水魚類對高溫之忍受力  
03300 周春生, 余志堂, 鄧中燐 1981 曾侯乙墓出土魚骨的初步研究  
04503 張春霖 1933 魚類分類綱要(上)  
04342 賀富生 1984 河南魚類志.