Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
10667 Edward C. Raney and Ernest A. Lachner 1947 Hypentelium roanokense, a new catostomid fish from the Roanoke River in Virginia. American Museum Novitates . 
10740 Stewart Springer 1950 A revision of North American sharks allied to the genus Carcharhinus. American Museum Novitates . 
11018 Nichols, J. T. and C. M. Breder, Jr.  1930 West Indian forms of the flying fish, genus Cypselurus, with the description of a new species. American Museum Novitates . 
11019 C. M. Breder, Jr. 1929 Certain effects in the habits of schooling fishes, as based on the observation of jenkinsia. American Museum Novitates . 
11020 C. M. Breder, Jr. 1925 A new toadfish from Colon, Panama. American Museum Novitates . 
11021 C. M. Breder, Jr. 1933 The development of the urostyle in umbra pygmaea (De key). American Museum Novitates . 
11022 C. M. Breder, Jr. and C. W. Coates 1933 Reproduction and eggs of pomacentrus leucoris gilbert. American Museum Novitates . 
11033 C. M. Breder, Jr. 1932 An annotated list of fishes from Lake Forsyth, Andros Island, Bahamas, with the descriptions of three new forms. American Museum Novitates . 
11223 C. M. Breder, Jr. 1925 New loricariate, characin and poeciliid fishes from the Rio Chucunaque, Panama. American Museum Novitates . 
11933 J. T. Nichols 1931 Some Chinese fresh-water fishes. XXIX. A new goby from Hokou, Kiangsi. XXX. Six type specimens figured. American Museum Novitates . 
11934 J. T. Nichols 1930 Some Chinese freshwater fishes. XXIV. Two new Mandarin fishes. XXV. New Sarcocheilichthys in northeastern Kiangsi. American Museum Novitates . 
11935 J. T. Nichols 1926 Some Chinese fresh-water fishes. XVIII. New species in recent and earlier Fukien collections. American Museum Novitates . 
11939 J. T. Nichols 1925 Some Chinese fresh-water fishes. I.--Loaches of the genus Botia in the Yangtze Basin. II.--A new minnow-like carp from Szechwan. III.--The Chinese sucker, Myxocyprinus. American Museum Novitates . 
11941 J. T. Nichols 1925 The two Chinese loaches of the genus Cobitis. American Museum Novitates . 
11975 J. T. Nichols 1958 A new goby and other fishes from Formosa. American Museum Novitates . 
11970 J. T. Nichols 1925 A new homalopterin loach from Fukien. American Museum Novitates .