Reference of Taiwanese Fishes 19073 Records
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ID Author Year Title Publisher
TH056 黃俊邠 1991 台中,彰化沿岸水域仔稚魚魚種組成及魚苗漁業 Species composition of fish larvae and juvenile in the coastal waters of Taichung and Changhwa, with reference to fry fishery 國立臺灣大學漁業科學研究所 
TH055 陳鴻鳴 1991 黑鯛對礦物質的需求及磷缺乏症之探討 Studies on mineral requirement and phosphorus deficiency of black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) 國立臺灣海洋大學水產養殖研究所 
TH053 王友慈 1997 淡水河口鄰接海域產鯡類仔魚的來游動態暨初期生活史之研究 Studies of immigratory dynamics and early life histories of larval clupeoids in the coastal waters off Tanshui River Estuary 國立台灣大學動物學研究所博士論文 
TH052 林科吉 1990 臺灣淡水河口域及鄰近沿海花身雞魚(Terapon jarbua)食性之研究 國立臺灣大學漁業科學研究所 
TH051 陳伯實 1990 苗栗縣外埔人工魚礁區生態環境與漁獲效益之研究 Studies on the ecological environment and fishing effect around the artificial reefs in Wai-Pu, miao-li hsien 國立臺灣海洋大學漁業研究所 
TH049 方玉玲 1990 分子演化史的統計估算 Statistical estimation of molecular phylogeny 國立台灣大學農藝學研究所 
TH048 王啟銘 1990 人工魚礁配置之基礎研究 A fundamental studies on the arrangement of artificial reef 國立臺灣海洋大學漁業研究所 
TH047 廖正信 1990 利用聲探回訊積分法評估臺灣東北部水域鎖管現存量之基礎研究 Fundamental studies on the existent amount of squid off the coast waters of northeast Taiwan by echo integrator method 國立臺灣海洋學院漁業研究所 
TH045 馬敏欽 1989 台灣龜山島海域日本金梭之生殖生物學研究 Reproductive biology of sphyraena japonica from the surrounding waters of guei shan island, Taiwan 國立臺灣海洋學院漁業研究所 
TH044 蘇惠美 1989 台灣株塔瑪藻的生物特性 The biological characteristics of Alexandrium tamarense TK1 collected from Taiwan 國立台灣大學海洋研究所 
TH043 楊美慧 1989 東印度洋近澳洲陸棚的底魚群社及資源利用度 A quantitative analysis of agonistic behavioral sequence in Gonodactylus smithii (Stomatopoda: Gonodactylidae) 國立臺灣海洋學院漁業研究所 
TH042 陳立文 1989 台灣南部珊瑚礁魚類群聚結構及其穩定性之研究 The study of community structure of coral reef fishes and its stability in the southern part of Taiwan 國立台灣大學海洋研究所碩士論文 
TH041 李淑敏 1989 以電泳法判定臺灣海域產豎琴蝦蛄(Harpiosquilla harpax)短壯蝦蛄(Squilla interrupta)及蝦蛄(Squilla oratoria)之族群 Discriminations of the populations of three taiwanese mantis shrimps, Harpiosquilla harpax, Squilla interrupta and S. oratoria by means of electrophoresis 國立台灣大學海洋研究所 
TH040 吳龍靜 1989 利用計量魚探器偵測冷卻水口鰺科魚群來游量及分布實態之研究 Studies on the factual distributional condition and biomass of carangidae immigrated to the cooling water intake by dual-beam hydroacoustic system 國立臺灣海洋學院漁業研究所 
TH039 郭世榮 1989 墾丁國家公園海域產雀鯛科魚類攝食生態學之研究 Studies on the feeding ecology of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the waters around Kenting National park 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 
TH038 吳高逸 1988 鱗魨亞目類緣關係之研究 Phylogenetic study of balistoid fishes (Bslidtoidei) 國立中興大學動物學研究所