Kwang-Tsao Shao

Research Fellow & Director for Systematics and Biodiversity Information Division,
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (BRCAS)


Tel: 886-2-27899545; 27899556
Fax: 886-2-27883463

1980.9-1983.12 Ph.D. Department of Ecology & Evolution State University of New York at Stony Brook USA (Advisor: Robert R, Sokal)
1974.9-1976. 7 MSc Section of Marine Biology & Fisheries, Institute of Oceanography National Taiwan University, Taipei, R.O.C.
1968.9-1972.7 BSc Section of Fishery Biology, Department of Zoology National Taiwan University, Taipei, R.O.C.
  Research Fields  
Fish Biodiversity, Biodiversity Informatics
  Major Research Achievements (2005-2009)   

On Systematics, 7 new fish species were described and another two SCI papers related to the identification of fish eggs using morphology and DNA sequences were published, together with one book entitled “Identification Guide of Fish Eggs in Taiwan Waters”; on ecology, 6 SCI papers were published on the community and ecosystem trophic modeling at Chi-Ku lagoon and Tamshui estuary; on evolution, the molecular phylogenies of gobies and damselfishes were published. In addition, our website “Fish Database of Taiwan” (http://fishdb.sinica, attracts more than 30,000 hits a month. We also coordinated and established a website of “Taiwan Biodiversity Information network (TaiBNET)” (

  Research Interests   
1. Systematics of marine fishes including larvae and eggs and the molecular identification
2. Fish community studies/ecosystem modelling/Fish database
  Grants in recent years   
  Publications (2011.03 updated)  
Publication List of Kwang-Tsao Shao   FIND
4 records meet keywrd [ei]
 Huh C. A., C.C. Su,Y. Y. Tu, K.T. Shao, C. Y. Chen, I. J. Cheng (2004) Marine environmental radioactivity near nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Techology. 12, (5) pdf
 Lin H. J., K.T. Shao, J. S. Hwang.,W. T. Lo, I. J. Cheng, and L. H. Lee (2004) A trophic model for Kuosheng Bay in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 12 (5): 424-432download pdf
 Liao Y. C., L. S. Chen, K.T. Shao*, and Y. Y. Tu (2004) Temporal changes in fish assemblage from the impingement data at the second nuclear power plant, northern Taiwan.Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 12(5):411-417 download pdf
 Chen C.Y., K.T. Shao*, and Y.Y. Tu (2004) Effect of thermal discharges on the fish assemblages in the waters around the second Nuclear power plant in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology.12(5):404-410download pdf
  Honors, Awards and International Recognition  
  Database or website in charged  
  Students and postdocs trained