Department of Ecology & Evolution State University of New York at Stony Brook USA (Advisor: Robert R, Sokal)
1974.9-1976. 7
Section of Marine Biology & Fisheries, Institute of Oceanography National Taiwan University, Taipei, R.O.C.
Section of Fishery Biology, Department of Zoology National Taiwan University, Taipei, R.O.C.
1994.8 – Present
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University
1988.2 – Present
Part time Professor, Institute of Entomology, National Chung-Hsing University,
1995.1 – Present
Executive Secretary, IUBS (since 1995); DIVERSITAS (since 2000); GBIF in Chinese Taipei (since 2008), National Committee in Taipei, TAIWAN, Steering Committee Member of SCOPE (1993.11-) / PSA (1995.10-) / SCOR (1998.2-) in Taiwan; Committee Member of IGBP (1992.1-1996.10; 1998.12-) / PNC (Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) in Taiwan (2000.-); Steering Committee Member of The Biological Society of China, Taiwan Coral Reef Society, The Ichthyological Society of R.O.C., Taiwan Stream Society, Taiwan Fishery Society, Taiwan Cetacean Society; Member of IUCN Specialist Group of Coral Reef Fishes / Groupers & wrasses/ Species 2000 Asian Oceania group/IUCN WCPA
2008.1 – Present
Research Fellow & Executive Officer for Systematics and Biodiversity Information, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica Past:
2003.1 – 2007.12 Research Fellow & Acting Director, Biodiversity Research Center, Academis Sinica
2002.1-2002.12 Director, Research Museum, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
2001.9 – 2007.9 Chairman of the Ichthyological Society of R.O.C.
2005.7- 2008.4 Chairman of the Taiwan Cetacean Society
1996.7 - 2002.6 Director, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
1991.8 – 1994.8 Professor & Director, Institute of Marine Biology National Taiwan Ocean University
1990.8 – 1991.7 Part-time Professor, Institute of Fishries, National Taiwan Ocean University
1988.8 - 2004.12 Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica (since 1977.8)
1988.8 – 1996.7 Research Fellow & Deputy Director, Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica
1988.8 - 1991.7 Professor, Institute of Oceangraphy, National Taiwan University
1976.8 - 1988.7 Teaching Assistant, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University
1977.8 - 1988.7 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica
1984.2 - 1986.6 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Marine Resources, Institute of Marine Biology National Sun Yat-Sen University
Research Fields
Fish Biodiversity, Biodiversity Informatics
Major Research Achievements (2005-2009)
On Systematics, 7 new fish species were described and another two SCI papers related to the identification of fish eggs using morphology and DNA sequences were published, together with one book entitled “Identification Guide of Fish Eggs in Taiwan Waters”; on ecology, 6 SCI papers were published on the community and ecosystem trophic modeling at Chi-Ku lagoon and Tamshui estuary; on evolution, the molecular phylogenies of gobies and damselfishes were published. In addition, our website “Fish Database of Taiwan” (http://fishdb.sinica, attracts more than 30,000 hits a month. We also coordinated and established a website of “Taiwan Biodiversity Information network (TaiBNET)” (
Research Interests
Systematics of marine fishes including larvae and eggs and the molecular identification
Fish community studies/ecosystem modelling/Fish database
Grants in recent years
Coordinate Taiwan GBIF (TaiBIF) & Taiwan Biodiversity Information Network (TaiBNET) (NSC and COA, 2001-)
EIA monitoring of fishes at NPP I, II & IV (Taiwan Power Company, 2001-)
Cryobanking and database establishment of wildlife in Taiwan-fishes (COA, 2004-)
Deep-sea fish diversity studies-systematics and life history (NSC 2007.08- 2010.07)
Systematic studies on Anguilliformes, Pleuronectiformes and Callyonymidae (NSC 2010.08-2013.07)
TELDAP(Taiwan E-learning and Dogital Archive Program) fish Project and international portal project (NSC grant, 2006-2012)
Marine biodiversity census at a global biodiversity hotspot (Philippines)—fishes (AS grant, 2009-2012)
Benthic and deep-sea fish diversity studies in South China Sea and its database (NSC 2007.08-2010.07)
Feasibility Studies for establishing Taiping Island, Sprately Island as a National Park (MOI, 2008.05-2009.04)
Fish Egg and larval Fish studies at Tungsha Island, South China Sea (MOI, 2011.03-2012.02)
Publications (2011.03 updated)
Honors, Awards and International Recognition
Honors & Awards
Full scholarship to study abroad (The Ministry of Education), 1980-1983
Outstanding Research Award (National Science Council), 1994-1995
Research Award - Grade A (National Science Council), every year since 1984
Golden book awards - Taiwan Coral Reef Fishes, 1980
Ten Outstanding Youth of R.O.C. (29th), 1991
Cultural Medal of the M.O.E. 1998 - for contributing in education on marine conservation
Ho-Chin-Duei Outstanding Academic Award 2006 - Environmental Protection
Ten Outstanding Agricultural Experts of R.O.C. 2008
Forestry & Natural Conservation National Award in 2011.
International Recognition
Executive Committee Member of Consortium Barcode of Life (since 2008-)
Vice Chair for Fish-BOL in Asian Region, including South-East Asia Region (since 2002) and North-East Asian Region (since 2010)
Consultant of Fish4Knowledge Research Project ( – one EU funding project based at University of Edinburgh
Chair for organizing the 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC) in Taipei in 2005, and serve as one of the Steering Committee member for following IPFC (the 8th IPFC in Perth, Australia in 2009 and 9th IPFC in Okinawa in 2013).
Invited as keynote speaker or gave lectures for many international conferences, such as the 7th IPFC,BOL conference, APMBC, IUCN-WCPA; IUCN-GMSA, Cross-Strait Ichthylogical Symposium, Coral Reef Symposium, Asian Bioresource Workshop, International Symposium on Museum Collection and Management, CREON meeting, Cultural Mondo, TELDAP International Conference, and several database or barcode or fish related meetings or in universities.
Database or website in charged
Fish Database of Taiwan
Cryobanking Program for Wildlife Genetic Material in Taiwan
Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF)
Catalogue of Life in Taiwan (TaiBNET)
Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature
Students and postdocs trained
Yun-Chih Liao
NTU-Institute of Oceanography
Doctorate Degree
Taxonomic and Molecular Phylogenetic Studies of Stomiiforms from Taiwan
2006.07 co-advise with Dr. Chang-Feng Dai
Wu-Hsiung Ou
NTOU-Environmental Biology and Fishery Science
Master Degree
Taxonomy of Trachichthyidae Slimehead and Reproductive Biology of the Hoplostethus crassispinus in the northeast water off Taiwan
2006.06 co-advise with Dr. I-Hsun Ni
Ching-Chao Lee
NTU-Institute of Oceanography
Master Degree
Resources partitioning of food and habitat of three congeneric grenadiers (Coelorinchus spp.) in the waters of Northeastern Taiwan
2007.06 co-advise with Dr. Chien-Chung Hsu
Chia-Hong Shih
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Study on larval and juvenile fish community structure in the Lan-yang Estuary
2007.06 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Hui-Ling Ko
SYSU- Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Larval Fish Community in Kenting, South Taiwan, and the Application of DNA Barcode Technique on the Species Identification
2007.06 co-advise with Dr. Li-Lian Liu
Nian-Tzu Yeh
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Studies on the Fish Community Structure, Feeding Guilds and Trophic Model in Yenliao Bay
2007.06 co-advise with Dr. Hsing-Juh Lin
Jung-Hua Chang
NTU-Institute of Zoology
Master Degree
Taxonomic Studies on Early Stages of Fishes in the Waters off Taiwan by DNA Barcoding Methods
2008.06 co-advise with Dr. Tai-Sheng Chiu
Wen-Chi Wang
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Fishing impact on reproduction and growth of the bigeye, Priacanthus macracanthus, in waters northeastern Taiwan
2008.07 co-advise with Dr. Kwang-Ming Liu
Jyun-Ruei Chen
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Use of otolith microstructure and microchemistry to study life history of the slickhead Alepocephalus bicolor in the northeastern water off Taiwan
2008.12 co-advise with Dr. Chih-Wei Chang
Jung Chen
NDHU- Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Effect of marine protected area and habitat types on fish community structure of coral reefs
2009.08 co-advise with Dr. Tung-Yung Fan
Kun-Ping Kan
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Comparative studies on the fish assemblages between the natural and artificial coastlines along northeastern Taiwan
2010.07 co-advise with Dr. Tin-Yam Chan
Cheng-Yu Lin
SYSU- Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Temporal Distribution of Larval Fish Community in Tan-sui River Estuary, Taiwan, and the Application of Barcode Technique on the Fish Larva & Juvenile Identification
2010.08 co-advise with Dr. Li-Lian Liu
Dun-Ren Hsiao
NTU-Institute of Zoology
Master Degree
Population Structure of Long-spine Porcupinefish (Diodon holocanthus) in the Western Pacific
2010.08 co-advise with Dr. Hsiu-Hui Shih
Su-Chen Tsai
NTU- Institute of Oceanography
Master Degree
Taxonomy and Barcoding of Leptocephali around Taiwan
2010.08 co-advise with Dr. Chi-Lu Sun
Sz-Chuen Wang
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Diet analysis for fishes based on DNA barcoding: a case study on grenadiers (Coelorinchus spp.) from Taiwan
2010.08 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Hsuan-Ching Ho
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Doctorate Degree
Systematic and Distributions of Family Ogcocephaliade (Order Lophiiformes), with Reviews of Indo-Pacific Genera
2010.08 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Chern-Yun Lee
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
The Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny of Family Callionymidae from Taiwan
2012.01 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Han-Yang Lin
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Species Composition of Marine Fish Eggs in the East China Sea by DNA Barcoding
2012.01 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Yu-Wen Fu
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
The Tidepool Fish Community Structure and its Resilience Studies in Northern Taiwan
2012.06 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
Mei-Yun Chiu
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
Summer Species Composition of Marine Fish Larvae in the East China Sea by DNA Barcoding in 2009
2012.06 co-advise with Dr. I-Shiung Chen
I-Lang Zheng
NTOU-Institute of Marine Biology
Master Degree
The Fish Bycatch Compositions of the Midwater Sergestid Shrimp Fishery in the Waters off Northeastern Taiwan
2013.07 co-advise with Dr. Chi-Lu Sun
Yu-Ming Shih
NTOU-Institute of Oceanography
Master Degree
Short-Term Variations in Larval Fish Community and Relations in Sampling Designs - A Case Study in Tamsui River Estuary, Northern Taiwan
2013.07 co-advise with Dr. Chi-Lu Sun
Mao-Ying Lee
NTOU-Institute of Aquaculture
Doctorate Degree
Tonguefishes (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae: Symphurus) in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan
2013.07 co-advise with Dr. Hong-Ming Chen and Dr. Thomas A. Munroe