Scientific Name
Nemichthys scolopaceus  
Nemichthys scolopaceus線鰻
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Richardson, 1848 Depth 0 - 3656M
Chinese 線鰻 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 線鰻科 Economic Fish No 
Family F085 Nemichthyidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 線鰻(線口鰻) 
Max Length 130 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 鰻(臺東) 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan South West、North East 
Habitats Deep Sea  Holotype Locality South Atlantic off Brazil 
Synonyms Belonopsis leuchtenbergi, Cercomitus flagellifer, Investigator acanthonotus, Leptocephalus andreae, Leptocephalus canaricus, Leptorhynchus leuchtenbergi, Nematoprora polygonifera, Nemichthys acanthonotus, Nemichthys avocetta, Nemichthys fronto, Nemichthys gaussiana, Nemichthys mediterraneus, Nemichthys scalopaceus ...all 17..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993)  Böhlke, J. E. 1956 Eugenia B. Bohlke, ed. 1989 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0055649. ASIZP0057205. ASIZP0057959. ASIZP0057960. ASIZP0059941. ASIZP0060176. ASIZP0060278. ASIZP0060877. ASIZP0061002. ASIZP0061123. ASIZP0061472. ASIZP0062335. ASIZP0063713. ASIZP0063725. ASIZP0064107. ASIZP0064210. ASIZP0064380. ASIZP0066251. ASIZP0066776. ASIZP0070629. ASIZP0074016. ASIZP0075052. ASIZP0075053. ASIZP0801254. ASIZP0806547. ASIZP0806594. ASIZP0806595. ASIZP0900338. ASIZP0901290. ASIZP0901351. ASIZP0901361. ASIZP0911254. ASIZP0916547. ASIZP0916594. ASIZP0916595. CAS214453. FRIP00728. ...List all 61 records... 
Barcode2012-01-02,柯慧玲,CO1,100% 2014-10-30,Kwang-Tsao Shao,CO1,100% 2014-10-30,Kwang-Tsao Shao,CO1,100%
Common Name Slender snipe eel; Polygon-spotted snipe eel; Slender snipe-eel; Avocet; Atlantic snipe eel; Threadeel; Glass snake; Threadfish; Brittle watersnake 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body long and slender, caudal attenuated, anus fin below the base of pectoral. A large lateral-line pore in a row; anus far from the pectoral; upper and lower jaw extending forwards and atteuuatedly. Teeth arrange closely, in a band. Vomerine teeth wider than upper jaw teeth. Dorsal fin origin in advance of gill slit. Vertebra 181-212. Total length 51.3 of body depth, 10.5 of head length; caudal length 10.6 of the length from head to trunk; head length 1.6 of snout length; snout length 7.1 of diameter of eye. Rictus beyond rear margin of eye. Tongue fixed.Tail long and sdender caudal confluent with dorsal anal. Dorsal part pale, black below.
habitats Deep-sea fishes inhabit in 300-200 deep water.  
Distribution Tropical to temperate seas un the world.  
Utility No enough quantity for fishery.