Scientific Name
Dysomma melanurum  
Dysomma melanurum黑尾前肛鰻
by: Wei-Ting Yang, NTOU
Author Chen & Weng, 1967 Depth 100 - 300M
Chinese 黑尾前肛鰻 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 合鰓鰻科 Economic Fish No 
Family F080 Synaphobranchidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 黑尾前肛鰻 
Max Length 27 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 合鰓鰻 
Distribution in World Taiwan [Endemic in Taiwan]   Distribution in Taiwan South 
Habitats Deep Sea、Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality Tungkong, Taiwan 
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993); 陳餘鋆, 2002. 臺灣深海鰻類的分類,分布,柔軟器官及以腦部形態與尾鰭骨骼探討真鰻類及糯鰻亞目之親緣關係; 楊瑋庭 , 2011. 碩士論文:臺灣合鰓鰻科魚類之初步分類研究; Chen, J. T. F. and H. T. C. Weng, 1967. A review of the apodal fishes of Taiwan. Biological bulletin, Tunghai University, ichthyology series, number 6, No. 32: 1-86.; Robins, C. H. and C. R. Robins, 1989.Fishes of the western north Atlantic. 1(9): 207-252.; Smith, D. G. , 1999. The living marine the resources of the western central pacific. 3(1): 1658-1661.  Böhlke, J. E. 1949 Chen, J. T. F. etc. 1967 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Chen, Y. Y. etc. 1995 
Specimen List NMMBP05284. NMMBP05470.  
Common Name Shortbelly eel 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic No scale. Pectoral fin present. Lower jaw longer than upper jaw. Premaxillary teeth two. Jaw teeth in bands, inner teeth large. Vomerine teeth 5. Premaxillary teeth and vomerine teeth compound. Dorsal fin origin behind pectoral fin. Vertebrae 137 (134). Total length 20.1 of body depth, 8.0 of head length; caudal length 6.8 of the length from head to trunk; head length 6.0 of snout length; snout length 1.7 of diameter of eye.Rictus beyond rear margin of the eye. Length anus to gill slit shorter than head length. Tongue fixed. Body color light brown. Dorsal anal fin white (tail end of anal fin black); eye small.
habitats Demersal fishes; inhabit in 100 to 400 meters deep, feed on small fishes, crustaceans and other invertebrates.  
Distribution Southwestern of Taiwan waters. .  
Utility No enough quantity for fishery.