Scientific Name
Synodus fuscus  
Synodus fuscus褐狗母魚
by: Hsuan-Ching Ho
Author Tanaka, 1917 Depth 5 - 30M
Chinese 褐狗母魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 合齒魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F187 Synodontidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 褐狗母魚(背斑狗母魚) 
Max Length 25 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 褐狗母、狗母梭、狗母 
Distribution in World North West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan PonFu 
Habitats Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality Japan 
Reference Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);Fishbase(2004)  Tanaka, S. 1917 
Specimen List ASIZP0062691. ASIZP0075136. ASIZP0076628. ASIZP0077872. ASIZP0078114. FRIP01106. FRIP01109. NTMP0290.  
Common Name Lizardfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body subcylindrical, slihgtly depressed on head. Snout tip rounded. Anteriormost palatine teeth longer than more posterior teeth and in a discrete group. Head and body with cycloid scales; cheek behind mouth scaled; scales above lateral line 3.5(rarely 4.5). Dorsal fin about midway on back, with 10-12rays(usually 11); anal fin with 8-9(usually 8); Pectoral fins short, not extending to a line from pelvic-fin origin to dorsal-fin origin; caudal fin forked. Dorsal tip of snout without a pair of small black spots.
habitats Found on sandy bottoms of shallow waters. 
Distribution Distributed in Japan and Taiwan. It found in southern Taiwanese waters, and Penghu Is.. 
Utility Marketed fresh.