Scientific Name
Synodus jaculum  
Synodus jaculum射狗母魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Russell & Cressey, 1979 Depth 2 - 100M
Chinese 射狗母魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 合齒魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F187 Synodontidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 斑尾狗母魚 
Max Length 20 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 射狗母、狗母梭、狗母、番狗母(澎湖)、汕狗母(澎湖) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan South、North、PonFu、Greeb IS.、Tung Sa IS. 
Habitats Coral、Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality Granite Bluff, Lizard Island (14°40'S, 145°27'E), Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia [Coral Sea, southwestern Pacific], depth 16 meters 
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);Fishbase(2004);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.3(FAO,1999);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);Chen J-P, H-C Ho, and K-T Shao. 2007. A New Lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of three new records. Zool. Stud. 46(2): 148-154   Moyer, J. T. etc. 1985 Yamakawa, T. etc. 1987 
Specimen List ASIZP0057661. ASIZP0058574. ASIZP0060153. ASIZP0063379. ASIZP0070522. ASIZP0080329. ASIZP0080421. ASIZP0080428. ASIZP0805841. ASIZP0805877. ASIZP0915841. ASIZP0915877. NMMBP06277. NMMBP08727. NMMBP09038. USNM00217646. USNM00217647. USNM00217656.  
Barcode2015-10-23,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,%
Common Name Blackblotch lizardfish; Blacktail lizardfish; Javelinfish; Lighthouse lizardfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body subcylindrical, slihgtly depressed on head. Snout tip rounded. Anteriormost palatine teeth longer than more posterior teeth and in a discrete group. Membranous flap on anterior nostrils short. Head and body with cycloid scales; no scales on cheek behind mouth; Scales above lateral line 5.5; (rarely 6.5); lateral-line scales with 59-62. Dorsal fin about midway on back, with 11-13(usually 12); anal fin with 8-10; pectoral fins not reaching a line connecting origins of dorsal and pelvic fins; caudal fin forked. Body brownish above, with dark brown saddle blotches; fins transparent, with faint brown spots on dorsal and caudal rays. Prominent black blotch on its caudal peduncle.
habitats Inhabits coral reefs in depths of 10 to 100 m. Commonly found on sand or rubble near coral heads. 
Distribution Widespread in the Indo-Pacific from East Africa to the Line, Marquesan, and Society islands, north to the Japan, south to Australia. It found in southern Taiwanese waters, and Penghu Is.. 
Utility Marketed fresh.